Our Mission

Projeto Bilu - Support Centre for Children and Adolescents is a project of INSTITUTO PRISMA, founded in 2005 and registered in the CNPJ 07.563.631/0001-68 with headquarters in Caieiras, São Paulo in Brazil. To achieve its objectives, the "Project Bilu" established a methodology that promotes the formation of individuals, their social integration, and teaching to overcome difficulties and strengthen personality. Programs to assist children and their families are also being developped and implemented.


The INSTITUTO PRISMA aims to support and develop actions to defend, maintain and improve the quality of life of populations at risk and social environment. To fulfill these objectives, Projeto Bilú was specifically set up to:


  • Promote the protection of children and teens
  • Protect children and teens in hazardous situation, social as well as personal
  • Guarantee a smooth introduction to citizenship of children and teens


Projeto Bilú operates as a transition facilitator in which children and teens can find the balance necessary for a promising independent future. 



INSTITUTO PRISMA aims to support and develop actions to defend, maintain and improve the quality of life of populations at risk and social environment.


For the achievement of its purposes, INSTITUTO PRISMA may suggest, promote, collaborate, coordinate or carry out programs and projects aiming to:

  1. Educate, professional qualification and training of target populations, their inclusion in the labor market, employment and income generation, teaching productive, cooperative and associative practices with of cultural and/or economic value;
  2. Introduce non-profit, new socio-productive models and alternative systems of production, trade, employment and credit;
  3. Promote social assistance to populations at risk, social assistance to their families, economic development and poverty alleviation, provide shelter for orphaned, abandoned, abused children and adolescents or in hazardous situations, living on the streets or addicts, in accordance with the Statute of Children and Adolescents - Law 8,069 of July 13, 1990;
  4. Shelter elderly in situations of abandonment, family and social exclusion in accordance with the Statute of the Elderly Law 10,741 of October 1, 2003;
  5. Help families and communities victims of natural phenomena and social exclusion
  6. Promote activities related to education, physical and mental health and quality of life: sexual education, preventing STD's (sexually transmitted diseases), drug abuse, family relationships, marital relationships and guidance on prevention of use of alcohol and drugs;
  7. Preserve, protect and conserve the environment and promote sustainable development;
  8. Execute broadcasting services with educational, artistic, cultural and information purposes, with respect for ethical values and social development for the benefit of the general community, through concession, permission or authorization for the operation of community broadcasting in accordance with the corresponding law;
  9. Promote exchanges with educational institutions and social development, national and international, as well as the development of studies and research, development of alternative technologies, production and propagation of information and expertise;
  10. Hold events, seminars and lectures to promote its objectives;
  11. Promote ethics, peace, citizenship, human rights, democracy and other universal values.
  12. Prepare, make, propagate brochures, books, manuals, for educational and social purposes always pertaining to quality of life, social development or the environment.
  13. Prepare and execute projects and events aimed at sports and cultural practices through academies, courses, competitions, including promoting exchanges in sports at regional and international levels.