How can you contribute?

Projeto Bilú is in need of persons who want to help: become a voluntary for one of our orphan houses, adopt a child athlete or donate in order to secure a future for the children. More than 60% of the people at Projeto Bilú are volunteers. People who give their time, talents and love to the children and the Project. Uniting forces to follow our dream of changing these little ones' lives.


The work at Projeto Bilú is ever increasing, which means we are always on the lookout for people who want to help us in any way they can.


Projeto Bilú is alive thanks to the great effort of people agreeing with the ideal of giving to the kids and teens the rights to live with dignity. But our dream to change lives depends on your help. So if you want to help us, here are the best ways to get in touch with us, give us your support or make donation.

  1. You can follow us on these Social Websites.
  2. Check our Volunteer Program if you want to come and help us in Brazil.
  3. Check our virtual Adoption Program if you want to support an athlete.
  4. To donate, please get in touch with us on Skype or call:

+55 (11) 4899-1458
+55 (11) 4442-5067
+55 (11) 9129-5113


or send your offer to our children through Bank transfer:

Associação Prisma/ Projeto Bilu
(Contribuição p/ Casa-abrigo)
Banco Bradesco
Conta corrente : 32950-9
Agência: 1236 CNPJ.:07.563.631/0001-68

(Contribuição p/ Criança no esporte)
Banco Bradesco
Conta Corrente: 33928-8
Agência: 1236 CNPJ.:07.563.631/0001-68