Become a Volunteer!

You want to help? Come to Brazil!

You have a passion? An interest? Challenge it: we invite you to come and help, in your field of interest. We need many devoted people who are ready to give time and energy to establish a better structure in our organization across Brazil, or simply to spend time with the kids. You can do this alone or with a group of friends!


We are based in many regions in Brazil, as well as other countries in the world. This gives you the possibility to come and explore the Brazil while being involved with Projeto Bilú.


Possible tasks:

  • Physical Education Teachers
  • Pedagogists, Psychologists
  • Hairdressers
  • Gardeners, Masons
  • Eletricians, Cleaners
  • etc.



We can host and transport you. We can feed you, but a contribution for food would be appreciated, in order to cook three meals a day for everybody in the house, counting the children. The week-end is meant to relax, to go out and have fun (the kids will be out then as well). During the week you may enjoy yourself as well, as long as you are available when the work begins the next morning.


How do I become a volunteer?

Please fill in the form below or Skype with us directly. Somebody will then explain a bit more about the available projects or simply chat with you.


Please enter the code:

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.