Who is Projeto Bilú?

Projeto Bilú is an intiative who is supported by many all around the globe. The organisation is based in Caieiras, Brasil (presented in Our Staff), but our many volunteers from all the over the world are the ones who make Projeto Bilú possible!


Want to help?

Our Staff

Jose Luis - Président

Maria Aparecida - Coordinator

Paulo Cesar - Sports Director

Denanci Rosa Miranda - Administration

Lorena Santos - Administratrion

Roberio Rock - Lawyer

Gilmar Tadeu - Soccer Coach

Rafael Silva - Soccer Coach

Julio Nery - Institutional MG Contact

Alex - Boxing Instructor

Celina Vieira - Ballet Teacher

Edinir Zanelato - Assistant

Ivan Teixeira - Assistant

Marcos Azevedo - USA Representative

Gisele Camargo - External Affairs

Vanessa Faustini - External Affairs

Janice Rock - Press

Gregory Halle Petiot - Communications

Alemão - Percussion Instructor

Allan Fernandes - Goalie Coach

Adriano Gomes - Media

Shirlei Galano - Physiotherapist

Cassia Alves - Coordinator Araripina-PE

Our Supporters and Volunteers